Site – Podcatcher settings

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On this page you can configure all of your Site’s Podcatchers’ settings.

Podcatcher Volume

The value 0 represents the maximum volume, -32 effectively represents silence.

  • Minimum volume: Minimum volume that can be set by the visitor when they press the volume down button.
  • Maximum volume: Maximum volume that can be set by the visitor.
  • Initial volume: The Podcatcher’s initial volume when it is taken out of its dock.

Alarm (warning signal)

The Podcatcher can sound a warning signal if it ‘thinks’ it’s being taken out of the Site. See this article for more information.

Idle time: If this is set to something above zero, the Podcatcher will play its warning signal after the set number of minutes.

Duration: How long will the warning signal continue to sound, in seconds. The warning signal will also stop when any button is pressed.

Podcatcher settings

Generate audible feedback when a button is pressed: When this checkbox is checked, the Podcatcher will make an audible click noise when a button is pressed.