Podcatcher Test Mode

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It is possible to put a Podcatcher into ‘Test Mode’ as soon as the device is taken out of the docking station. In ‘Test Mode’ the Podcatchers functionality can be checked, and it can be used to check an IDentifier Code. This can be useful if a IDentifier is already mounted and it’s unclear what the code was.

Putting it into ‘Test Mode’

A fully synchronized Podcatcher which has been placed in a docking station can be put into ‘Test Mode’. The Podcatcher lights must burn red and yellow simultaneously. A flickering Podcatcher cannot be put in ‘Test Mode’.

Take the following steps:

  • Simultaneously press the left and middle button on the Podcatcher and keep these pressed.
  • While pressing both buttons, take the Podcather out of the docking station.
  • All lights will turn on (yellow/green/red), the Podcatcher is now in ‘Test Mode’
  • You can now let go of the buttons.

Checking the Podcatcher

As soon as the Podcatcher is in ‘Test Mode’, you can check following;

  • Lights
  • Sound
  • Buttons
  • IDentifier reception

To test the Podcatcher press the following buttons: The left button corresponds with a low tone and the yellow light, the middle one corresponds with a middle high tone and the green light, the right button corresponds with a high tone and the red light. When you press button, you will hear the tone and see the light turn off and on again. If all the tones sound good, and the lights turn on and off, you can make sure the Podcatcher (and the buttons) are working correctly.

Checking the IDentifier

To check the IDentifier reception, point the Podcatcher (in ‘Test Mode’) at the IDentifier. If the code is received by the Podcather all lights will blink a a few times. After the code is being pronounced in ‘aviation or NAVO alphabet’ The code is 4 or 8 characters long, and consist out of the numbers 0 trough 9 and the letters A* through F*

  • A = Alpha
  • B = Bravo
  • C = Charlie
  • D = Delta
  • E = Echo
  • F = Foxtrot

Clearing the Podcatcher out of ‘Test Mode’

If you no longer need to test the Podcatcher, you can just place it back into the Docking station. From that point on the Podcatcher will function normally again.