How do I include my visually and hearing impaired visitors

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An audio tour for the blind and visually impaired visitors

Audio is a very important and powerful tool for the blind and visually impaired when visiting a museum. So make sure  you include the unmissable stories of your museum in your audio offering.

An audio tour is often offered as an addition to the room texts, but often the room texts cannot be read (or read properly) by these visitors.  So for this target group it would be an option to include the room texts in your audio tour in an extra layer. The visitor can then optionally listen to this or not.

Also, the information you give about the object or the way you describe it can be very helpful for your visitors  to give them more understanding. Therefor it might be helpful to have your texts edited or redacted by a professional writer.

Because our system works with IDentifiers (IR sensors)  to trigger the audio, it’s always important that these IDentifiers can be spotted easily in your exhibition. We would like to advise to always design the IDentifier labels in a striking color, preferably contrasting with the wall. This makes it easier for visually impaired visitors to start the audio themselves. This solution sounds very clear, but often these plans are not supported by the designers of the exhibition. IDentifiers labels are often made in very discrete colors and are therefore difficult to notice for the visually impaired. Also try to be consistent in the place and height when mounting the IDentifiers, for instance always place them on the right side of the object at 1.30m from the ground.

An audio tour for the deaf and hearing impaired visitors

Using our App makes it possible to offer the actual text from your audio tour to the deaf or hearing impaired visitors in your museum. The texts have already been written for the audio tour and can be shown one-on-one in the Mobile Website. It seems like a very simple solution, but be aware that visitors and deaf or hearing impaired visitors do not all share the same level of understanding when it comes to reading a text. A useful website you could visit about this topic is

If you would like more information on how to include your visitors, please contact our Business Managers, they are very happy to help.