Stop – Language & Content

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On this page you can manage the various names used for this Stop, as well as add a description for it that is used in the Podcatcher App and MapMyVisit.

Title (language neutral): The title of the Stop is used in the Stop list and in Analytics. It is also a fallback description for missing translated Names for this Stop for MapMyVisit and the Podcatcher App.

The translations are not relevant for Podcatcher-only Stops. Only the Podcatcher App and MapMyVisit use this information.

Language: You can select one of the languages available for the Tour in this drop-down menu. If there are two or more languages available, you will see two languages side-by-side.

Title: Translated name of the Stop. If left empty the title of the fallback language is used when present. If that title in the fallback is empty too,  the language neutral title is used.

Description: Description presented with this Stop in the App and on MapMyVisit.